Today was a really big day for little Truitt. It started off with his doctor waking us up with wonderful news. Truitt had made a lot of progress with his oxygen levels, and had been moved to a new ventilator! This is a huge answer to prayer, and also a major step in his continued care. When we arrived at the hospital to see him a few hours later, the nurse was removing the old ventilator from his room. She told us that they normally leave them by their bedside for 24 hours just in case they have to put them back on it, but he was tolerating it so well that they could get it completely out of the way. The new ventilator not only shows he is making progress, but also makes it possible for him to be put in other positions that he is much more comfortable in. He was on his tummy when we got here this morning, and looked the most comfortable we had seen him so far. The new ventilator will also make the transfer to the other hospital much easier.

Truitt slept on his stomach for the first time today.
But, the best part of the new ventilator is that it made it possible for Leisel to hold him today for the first time since he was born. Having been blessed before with four healthy babies we could hold right away, we would never have been able to fully appreciate the significance of this until now. She was able to him skin to skin for over two hours this afternoon, during which time they checked his blood gases again. The gases on this check were so good, the nurses labeled it his ‘happy place’. The good gases also show that he is tolerating the new ventilator.
This evening the doctor also ordered that Truitt begin feedings of breast milk. This is another huge step! He is receiving these feedings through a little tube inserted through his nose. Starting the feedings poses the possibility that the fluid in his lung may begin to reaccumulate. This would tell us that it is indeed an issue with his lymph system (chyro thorax). If this is the case, we would have discovered the cause of the hydrops, but it would also mean that he will need surgery to correct it.
Today is Truitt’s one week birthday! This is another milestone that we never fully appreciated until now. It’s hard to believe that just one week ago, we were going through one of the hardest days of our lives. God has been so good, and we are taking this one day at a time. Days like today really help.
Prayer Requests:
- That Truitt would now begin to get weaned off the new ventilator onto a cannula so that the tube can be removed from his throat.
- That he would tolerate the milk well, and that the fluid would not accumulate again by his lung.
- For healing of the wounds on his feet, and for the swelling to continue to go down.
- For wisdom to know when is the best time to transfer him to the other hospital.
- Truitt is on the new ventilator
- Leisel got to hold him today
- Truitt began feedings
- Truitt is now one week old
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