Leisel & Baby Truitt Update:
The anemia in Baby Truitt has returned. They will be doing another ultrasound in the morning. If the anemia is not BETTER by tomorrow morning, we will likely have a C-section by 10am.
(1) That Baby Truitt will not be anemic in the morning
(2) If we do end up having a C-section, then for safe delivery, wisdom for doctors, and for Baby Truitt to be able to breathe and get a safe blood transfusion after birth.
(3) Leisel’s physical and emotional health and well-being.
Please feel free to share this with others you know who may be interested and care about this situation. Depending on how the next 12-18+ hours go, I don’t know when I will be updating again. We will do our best to keep you informed.
Kids are fine right now and for tomorrow, but we (someone) will be in touch with those of you who have volunteered for meals, childcare, etc in the coming days.
Thank you all.
David, Leisel & Family
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